Toddler 2-3.5 Years

During their toddler years children are rapidly learning new skills.  As they become more independent and develop confidence in themselves their needs are constantly changing.  Our teachers lovingly support your toddler to navigate this period of development, engaging them in a wide range of experiences and activities designed to assist them in gaining a sense of mastery of their own bodies.
Your child will begin to learn early social skills as they are guided through expressing their emotions, interacting with others, and observing their teachers’ as they role model sharing and taking turns. One-on-one interactions and small group experiences support your child’s emerging social competence, while also providing a language rich environment to support linguistic development.
Our teachers spend time getting to know your child and developing a programme that supports their strengths and interests.  Through play experiences, your child will also be introduced to basic colours and shapes, sorting and matching, and counting activities, forming the foundation for their early literacy and numeracy learning.
To support developing motor skills, our indoor and outdoor playscapes are designed to promote opportunities for your child to test their skills and abilities to run, jump, climb and explore.  Our secure, child centred environment allows children to access resources and equipment of their choice, allowing them to direct their own learning.